pursuit panel.
Redesign and test a new business model for one brand
Achievement Forecast: December 2020
In completing the IDEO course, I've leaned that some of the best innovations come from watching people adapt their surroundings. Instead of trying to think of a new product or service from scratch, start by watching people use the service and how they automatically customize it or adapt it to fit their needs.
Chris Johnson
Achievement Forecast: January 2021
Attend NYU's Clive Davis School of Recorded Music and obtain a certificate of completion from their Music Industry Essentials Program
Invite others to get involved in helping you pursue your dream. Not only does this hold you more accountable to actually doing the thing, it also brings the dreaming process outside of CTC and integrated into other areas of your life.
Reilly Roberts
Achievement Forecast: December 2020
Strengthen my abilities and skill set needed to move forward in these areas: public speaking / creating podcast [Girl, It's Time!], and writing.
Dream Pursuit can look/feel/become very different on the journey vs what/how you originally mapped out --> EMBRACE adjusting, EMBRACE things being out of order, release/surrender, use frustrations as part of your dream, learn to temper original expectations (including your inner critic voice) when things are different then you thought they'd be --- IT'S ALL PART OF THE PROCESS!
Emily Porter
Increase my wife's experiential awareness of her as my priority 2x from her baseline
Achievement Forecast: December 2020
Hitting milestones 1-2 have been nothing short of a revelation … and a personal revolution. After a weekend getaway (under the guidance of my mentor), I now know (1) my wife’s baseline — 1 out of 7 days — for experiencing my dream priorities; (2) two start and two stop behaviors; as well as (3) the next big goal for our family. It all suddenly feels doable and realist. Plus, I’ve never felt and given love like this before in our marriage.
Aaron Orendorff
Invite 2 people I meet over the next 6 months to my wedding (my version of "have black people attend my funeral")
Achievement Forecast: January 2020
Milestones are guideposts. Stay true to the core of why that future identity matters.
Alex Maldonado
Purchase a home in Rhode Island
Achievement Forecast: May 2021